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Have a Florida LLC? If So, Be Prepared for 2015

By taxingtimes on Nov 12, 2014 in LLC, Tax

By: Amanda Wilson Does your business use one or more Florida LLCs or limited liability companies? If so, you need to be aware that as of January 1, 2015, the Florida Limited Liability Company Act will be completely replaced with the Revised Limited...

Treasury Department Takes Aim at Corporate Inversions

By taxingtimes on Sep 23, 2014 in government, Tax

By: Amanda Wilson A few weeks ago, I posted about the increasing popularity of U.S. corporations moving their headquarters abroad, as illustrated most recently by the proposed Burger King/Tim Hortons merger. This type of transaction is referred to...

Yet Another Benefit of REITs – Tax-Free Spinoffs

By taxingtimes on Sep 8, 2014 in REIT, senior housing, Tax, tax free

By Amanda Wilson With the introduction of the RIDEA structure in 2007, REITs have become an increasingly popular tax structure for senior housing. REITs offer many tax advantages, such as providing the REIT entity with a tax deduction for dividends...

Foreign Operations? Should You Follow Burger King’s Example?

By taxingtimes on Sep 4, 2014 in Foreign Operations, International, Tax

By: Amanda Wilson There has been a lot of publicity lately regarding Burger King’s proposed acquisition of Tim Hortons, as Burger King is expected to move its corporate headquarters to Canada following the acquisition. These type of corporate...