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Amanda Wilson

New Tax Filing Deadlines for Partnerships and Corporations

By Amanda Wilson on Aug 4, 2015 in Congress, International, IRS, Obama care, tax code, Tax Day, tax deadline

New law ahead road sign By: Amanda Wilson Last Friday, President Obama signed into law a bill that provides temporary funding for the highway trust fund. Buried in the law are several permanent changes to the tax code that are unexpected....

Clinton Outlines Her Capital Gains Rate Hike

By Amanda Wilson on Jul 27, 2015 in capital gain, medical marijuana, Tax Day, Taxes

By: Amanda Wilson Following up on my post from last week, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has now provided more specific information on her proposed capital gains rates hike. For high income filers (couples making at least $465,000 a year),...

Revamping U.S. Taxation of Multinational Corporations?

By Amanda Wilson on Jul 22, 2015 in Congress, government, International, S Corporation

By: Amanda Wilson The Obama administration and top lawmakers are in discussions regarding a potential overhaul of how the United States taxes U.S. multinational corporations. Topics under consideration include eliminating the U.S. approach of taxing...

Clinton to Propose Higher Capital Gains Rates

By Amanda Wilson on Jul 20, 2015 in capital gain, medical marijuana, Tax Day, Taxes

By: Amanda Wilson Hillary Clinton is expected to propose later this week a revamping of capital gains rates. While the specifics are not yet released, Clinton's proposal is expected to increase the current maximum capital gains rate for investments...