Advanced Magnet Labs, Revolutionizing Industries With Superior Magnet Technology

AML - Client Corner

A world leader in the development of magnet-based applications, Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc. (AML) creates innovative products and solutions for energy, transportation, consumer products, research, medical treatments and the environment. Founded in 1995, AML set out to redefine two of mankind’s greatest revolutions – electricity and magnetism — fundamentally unchanged since their development in the early 1800s. AML created their proprietary CoilCADTM, the world’s most advanced magnet design software which optimizes the design for all performance aspects of a magnetic coil, and then automatically code to enable highly automated manufacturing. By enabling such critical solutions, AML helps their customers deliver significant economic and social impact around the world. Validated by the Department of Energy, NASA, international laboratories, universities and large corporations, AML is enabling breakthrough solutions. For more information visit: We celebrate our client Advanced Magnet Labs!